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If you’re looking for a way to grow vertically in small spaces, this is it! I'm recommending it to any prepper interested to grow

With a pressure cooker, you can cook food in a fraction of the time that it takes to cook it on the stove or

We never know what type of disaster will hit us next. Will it be an EMP, a tornado, a flood, a riot? All we

While Trump is calling for unity across the aisle, Obama is still beating the drum of division, as he is keeping his fingers in

Knowing how to hunt may save your life in a survival situation, and if this is your hobby, here is what to know about

Since some containers are dangerous, this tips will help you keep your water clean and drinkable for years to come, no matter what.

Riding safely during bad weather is a matter of wearing the proper equipment, keeping the bike in good condition and slowing down.

In an event of a grid-down situation, it would be nice to have hot water. Here is how to use your wood stove to

They’re practically indestructible and will last literally hundreds of years. You can't imagine a survival kitchen without cast iron pots and skillets.

When it comes to your medical preparation for a post-disaster scenario, heal-anything natural remedies are the safest way to go.

New to prepping and wondering what does one have to do in order to truly be prepared? Here are the answers to your questions!

President Trump is barely three weeks in office, but he’s already having problems with the government.

That’s not too surprising, when you consider that there are more liberal Democrats working in our country’s government than there are Republicans or conservatives. There’s just something about being able to push others around and tell them what to do, that seems to attract the liberal mindset.

Knowing how to use what you have on hand to make what you need is one of the hallmarks of a true prepper. So,

Fire is your best friend in a survival situation. Can you start one with bare hands? Here are some methods to practice before SHTF.

Having a weapon makes self-defense easier and learning how to design your own is a skill that will serve you well in a survival