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Thinking about using an utility trailer for survival? Make sure it fits your needs so challenge your skills and start building your own.

People routinely sew together furs and other materials for centuries. Our fathers did it too. Machine sewing makes it easier, even if living off-grid.

Just because you can make a fire it doesn’t mean you can start one in wet conditions, and then is when you need a

Knowing how to make a natural pain reliever in a survival situation can be a life-saver. Here is how to make your own aspirin.

Wearing the right type of camouflage in the right setting can make you almost impossible to spot in a survival situation.

The U.S. power grid is in danger more than ever. Do you know how to prepare for a power failure that will put your

Forget about “baby-sitting” your campfire with these five techniques to start a self feeding fire that can last up to 18 hours!

Starting a fire with a lemon? Yes, it’s possible! Here are 6 amazing emergency fire starter kits you can do it yourself before SHTF.

From mouth-watering chili to delicious vanilla ice-cream, here are four tasty recipes you can cook off-grid in a haybox.

Outdoor aficionado? Here is how to DIY your own paracord survival grenade that can save your life in many SHTF situations.

Backpacking should be great fun but it can transform into a death march if you keep doing these too common mistakes.

Just a few computer chips can make it impossible for you to use your survival vehicle. Here's how to solve the problem!

You’re scared to step on the scale after the winter holidays? Get back in your skinny jeans without giving up the good stuff. Here’s

2017 brings a lot of challenges and unknown events. We never know what the future brings so always prepare for the unexpected.

The right clothing can quite literally be the difference between living and dying if you’re caught outside in bad weather.