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Here are a few senior preparedness tips for building your survival stockpile so that you’ll have what you need when SHTF.

A computer can make it easier for you to survive. Here is what you need to know about taking your computer off-grid.

Regardless of the reason for your stuffy nose, there are many home remedies to try right now to breathe better and feel better.

Every once in a while it would be good to check your survival stockpile and gear list and complete it with other useful items.

Stockpiling is one of the most important steps for disaster preparation. Make sure you aren’t making these 10 shopping mistakes!

It’s bad enough that we have to worry about other countries using chemical warfare on us; we’re already getting slowly poisoned just by breathing!

Having the perfect tools and/or supplies at your disposal in a SHTF situation is a pretty rare occurrence. What if all you have is

Can you homestead and still go unnoticed? How can you do it and still stay safe? You will find the answers in this post.

Think about how your home would resist to an EMP blast. Will you have enough heat and food? Will your OPSEC be the same

From pemmican to hardtack, discover 5 delicious recipes to fill hungry tummies during hard times that you should know by heart.

You can bring light and heat in darker times with these creative emergency candles you can make from 12 household items.

Bugging out is more than just having a bug out bag to grab when SHTF. Are you ready to bug out? What is your

Get your tools, practice your skills! We found 10 ways woodworking can help you earn money and save resources that otherwise would go to

Before choosing any method of water purification, make sure that you know these 5 tricks and traps about the process!

Remember that frogs are a delicacy when you survive in the wild, and the idea of hunting gives you chills. Here's what you need