HomeGENERAL PREP (Page 56)


if you’re surrounded day after day by open flames, a fire is an accident waiting to happen. Take these steps to prevent it from

The best way to survive every situation is to stay informed and learn as many skills as possible. It’s never too late to start

Concrete is a homesteader's best friend and the ideal choice for building lots of stuff. Here are a few DIY projects to try on!

Making pottery is an old skill. The final step is firing your clay so that it’s durable and, in the case of stoneware, usable

While the weather’s still nice, there are plenty of survival projects that you can work on. Just click on the links in the article

Now that you’ve made your pottery wheel, it’s time to try it out.
Don’t worry though; it won’t take you long.

How can you deal with a heatwave when it comes to off-grid survival? This is how to DIY your own air conditioner in case

No matter whether you dig around in a junk pile or turn up glass bottles while plowing a field, these bottles can still be

The most dangerous thing that Obama did to this country was the loss of the media. That's why we hardly saw reports about Louisiana

We’re preppers and homesteaders, right? We find unusual uses for everyday items. The same goes for clay pots.

Every person has a chance to help stop gun violence by reaching out and doing something useful. All that matters is that you want

No matter whether you store away regular daily newspapers, sales flyers, or even magazines, all of them can be converted into valuable survival aides.

Did you know the plastic bottle are some of the most versatile things you can have for managing all kinds of prepping needs? Here's

The benefit of using a potter’s wheel is that you can create more refined, beautiful, functional pieces that you can use for yourself or

Some years, you have nothing to worry about during hurricane season. Other years, such as the season of 2004, teach you the value of