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That’s what we’re all prepping for, thinking of and questioning about. Here are the latest findings on survival websites and blogs.

You may only have space in the back of your car or truck, and some of you have a hitch that can pull an

When all you have is are a few tin cans and other used materials, knowing how to turn crap into something useful is one

The attack in Dallas was not the only attack to take place. The first salvo in the war against the police has been shot

DIY irrigation systems will save you dollars and they are easy to build using readily-available materials. Which of these 4 projects would you choose?

What will you do when there are no bandages, no medications, and no way to get help? Nature will be by your side to

What’s going on in this America of ours? Seems like a new attack or a riot is always around the corner. That just means

Nowadays even my monkey has something to hide. Check these 7 clever methods to protect your cash or your valuables, that you can DIY

Styrofoam may come handy in a variety of scenarios, being a versatile and useful material especially when you’re strapped for resources.

In anticipation of our Monday celebration, I’m counting down the very best survival tips. From the pioneers, to the depression era's forced creativity.

If you use the wrong knot, or type of rope, it could lead to a disaster. For safety sake, read this article to know

Those who have the widest variety of skills and learn or adapt new skills, will survive in a post-SHTF scenario. These are the top

How is it that we all feel 20 in our minds, yet are betrayed by wrinkles on the face in the mirror? Looking young

Whether you followed the Brexit results or not here's a question for you: How does this affect Americans and what’s next?

Tooth and gum issues can quickly turn into much bigger issues, and even on their own are miserable problems to deal with. Gingivitis is