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Spring is a good time to clean areas of the house that are often neglected. We’re going to give you some tips to help

In today’s Prep Blog Review, we’ve found some great posts about real-life events and shared experiences that offer some valuable advice in prepping and

There are some signs that will give you a good idea of whether or not spring is here to stay, and that’s what we’re

Kids need to be prepared just as much as the adults; even more because they have less ability to defend themselves if faced head

All-in-all, the Supreme Court nomination is a definite hot potato. The candidate that Obama has selected doesn't make that easy either.

The survival uses of wool are probably way more than you can imagine, just off the top of your head, because it’s elastic, fire-resistant,

There’s an art to sharpening a knife, though, and most people can’t get it right straight out of the box.

The equipment needed to complete larger projects is dauntingly expensive. This design for building your own CNC machine is a fraction of the cost.

A wildfire is an uncontrolled fire often occurring in wild land areas, but they can also consume houses and agricultural resources.

In a sudden and surprising move, Putin announced that Russia will be pulling their troops out of the Syrian civil war.

You already know what types of trees we recommend for defense. The question is, what would you grow for food?

Why put our money into Big Pharma's pockets when we can rely on natural remedies that, that have no side effects at all?

There are several birds that you want to attract to your homestead, and that’s what we’re talking about today. Which one of them did

Living in a relatively dry place won’t keep you away of trouble. You still need to know how to power your house in case

Even if a greenhouse is an excellent environment for growing plants, stabilizing the temperature inside is of major importance to your crops.