HomeGENERAL PREP (Page 63)


If your fuel reserve won’t last enough, you won’t stand a chance, so you must know how to stretch it as much as you

If you are disabled, you need to understand how your evacuation plans might differ from those created by someone that has other options.

There is much to hate in this SOTU address and even more to make us sad. Whoever takes over, will face the biggest job

Here are 5 tips we stumbled upon this week that will help stay safe in a lot of SHTF situations.

When confronted with a survival situation when SHTF, what's the best thing you can do? Just look back into our history.

After Fukushima, the long term impacts still need to be considered by everyone interested in prepping.

Most parts of the pine tree have some sort of survival use including the bark, sticky resin, and wood which is a good fire

The cowboys who settled in the West were not good, nor bad. They were survivors. We can all take advantage of their wisdom and

We’re dedicating this prep blog review to making sure you never run out on ideas on how to improve your homesteading skills.

I’ve been looking for something like this for years, so, I wanted to thank Claude for making this lost knowledge available to every prepper.

This year we’r putting together another list of articles that will help you go further with your prepping.

Although these systems do not generate huge amounts of electricity, they offer enough power to keep you alive. Which one would you choose?

In case of a SHTF event, these products will dramatically increase your chances of survival and they'll make your life more comfortable.

There is little chance that things are going to get better during Obama's last year in office. We can expect that the country will