HomeGENERAL PREP (Page 64)


Often people take things we do regularly for granted, like driving. Learn what to do after a crash to increase your odds of surviving.

Maybe you got a last minute invitation or you forgot to buy something for someone from your extended family. It’s OK, this list will

Americans waste 40 percent of the food that they buy, and more than a third of all food purchased or grown globally is wasted

If you think about it, Santa has outdone all of us, especially when it comes to longevity. If there was ever someone to emulate,

You have gone to great lengths to build a homestead and make sure that all of your systems are EMP proof, but you might

We preppers know how important our skills are. And you can never know too much of anything, right?

Taking guns away from honest citizen won't do a thing to stop crime, but may actually cause a rise in violent crime. So, what

As homesteaders and preppers,we hate to waste anything. Feathers certainly apply and with so many cool ways to use them, you won’t run out

Eliminating violence would require changing human nature, eliminating our free will, curtailing emotions (especially anger), not their guns.

This is a great idea, especially as a way of introducing survival to people who are not yet preppers plus it can be used

It is not as simple to clean and maintain as the revolvers, but with a little bit of practice it can be mastered.

Knowledge and skills will make a difference and you can never know too much about self-defense and the weapons that will assist you to

To many, situational awareness is an idea or theory. But it's much more than that, it's a fact. It's the one that helps you

No matter whether you get caught in a hurricane or a military takeover, a simple problem can quickly escalate and harden your urban survival.

Survival knife can really make the difference between life and death in a tight spot while outdoors. But how do you choose?