HomeGENERAL PREP (Page 65)


In any bug out situation your life will depend on the vehicle you choose, as well as how you took care of it and

Today we gathered 5 articles that will come in useful in any off-grid scenario, but especially after an EMP takes down our grid.

We’ve made a list to help you get ready to settle in for the cold months to come so that you’ll be ready for

We were born to survive, but prone to forget it. Read these four articles to remember how important is to keep alive what humanity

People have been doing it for about as long as cars have been on the road but it’s emerging as an alternate resource for

To be perfectly honest, there’s no way to get all of the pesticides off of your produce. But there are things you can do

Failure to take these matters into account will invariably make it harder for children to cope during a crisis situation.

It is one thing to say you can do without electricity, and then actually be able to achieve that goal. Are you ready?

Knowing where to look for information on nuclear radiation sources is as important as knowing what to do during a crisis.

If you listen to the liberal politicians controlling Washington or the liberals in the mainstream media, social conservatism is dead.

If you thought bugging in with children was complicated, you may be surprised by a whole new host of challenges when bugging in with

We’ve gathered 5 awesome projects that will keep you busy and will provide great satisfaction and help once they’re done.

A solar superstorm would have roughly the same effect on the side of the Earth that it struck as an EMP. Are we prepared?

Pour yourself a cup of Joe, pull up a chair, and find out how else coffee may help around the homestead of even save

In a SHTF scenarios there are extremely critical elements that change the perspective and dynamics of dog ownership quite seriously.