HomeGENERAL PREP (Page 66)


Food falls into all of the categories above as it’s one of the most valuable resources we have and don’t afford to waste.

The secret, though, is to know how to clean them properly if you’re going to use them for food storage.

Not all knives share the same quality standards. The question is: how should you care for your blade and what are the mistakes to

This is where our country has gotten to. While the rate of obvious division has increased under President Obama, that's not where it began.

What helps me most is having a trust-worthy friend recommending tried and tested products, and that's what we're doing today!

We know that prepping under these circumstances can sometimes be down right frustrating, so we gathered 5 articles that deal with these kind

Some are our companions, on others we rely for food and others we'd better avoid at all costs if we care for our lives

What if you end up isolated in the wilderness, just like the 62 year old lady that survived 9 days in these conditions? Would

When stockpiling, there are a lot of questions to ask about containers for your own food safety, but they are easy to find if

Do we know the things which are safe to substitute for others? Or are we likely to use something dangerous, just because we don't

Few things feel better for a true self-sufficient homesteader than mastering the skills necessary for producing, canning and stockpiling his or her own food.

Make time to clean your weapons and doing so regularly. And take a good look at the article below so you could do it

People think they know how a nuclear device looks like, but there are many sources of nuclear contamination. Can you tell the difference?

There are many options for survival foods for vegetarians; you just have to be a bit more creative and prepare ahead a bit more.

Learn the basics of underground traveling during disaster, and try different routes. And by "routes" I don't mean a trip to the corner store.