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It’s easy enough to make as long as you live near maple or birch trees and it stores extremely well – for years if

We are always looking for answers and new experiences to share, so here are 4 new articles that might answer some of your questions.

You can use this guide to determine how EMP sensitive your own vehicle is, as well as during the process of searching for viable

What if I was to tell you that we are all living in the midst of a world-changing disaster? One that will change life

Read the following article to see how easy is to die in the wilderness if you are not prepared to face and resist Mother

This week we are looking at some of these aspects of food-preparedness, so make sure to scroll to the bottom and see what we

There are many foods that will serve you well in a survival situation but it’s important that you learn how to make them before

Republican candidates are rallying against one area of Obama's changes or another; but can they truly turn things around?

You have electricity for keeping your food cold, gas or electricity for cooking it, a car to get you to the store

All we hear on the news these days is about violence, attacks, terrorist

Did you know all you need to determine whether you are experiencing a regular power outage or an EMP are only three transistor AM/FM/

Booze is going to be a hot trading commodity if a global, world-altering event occurs and alcohol can actually be used to sterilize wounds.

It’s so much easier to start working on a new skills once someone showed me how to do it, or I’ve at least watched

While the frustration and anger is quite real, it is being misdirected and manipulated to create a crisis; quite possibly to create a racial

How much are your skills worth after disaster? Basically, we're talking about the law of supply and demand here.