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Survival Skills

Don't let the time get away from you. It's surprising how quickly the winter can rush by, putting us into planting season before we

The list of survival tips from our parents and grandparents can last forever as they manage to be in so many diverse situations, which

The ideal camouflage arrangement combines knowledge and skills and your ability to become part of the surrounding environment.

How is smart tech transforming survivalism, and how many of these fancy toys can we expect to keep using if things go badly and

Amid all the big-screen spectacle, few people noticed that a large portion of the film Dune was about survival.

The best thing you can do during an SHTF scenario is to go to the ground. The only exception to this rule might be

Abandoned cars will prove quite useful for the smart survivalist, and most of them will be picked out clean by those desperate to survive.

Anyone entering a wilderness environment must understand that wild animals are dangerous, and getting too close to them will cost people their lives.

There are real dangers all around us, and that's why we buy deadbolt locks, state-of-the-art security systems, and instrument neighborhood watches.

In a survival situation, the risk of contracting a disease dramatically increases if you ignore your hygiene. It would help if you used any

While being a big gun fan myself, I've never ignored the possibilities offered by other weapons and the reality that there may come a

Medical assistance may be absent or nonexistent in a survival situation, so you will have to improvise to save your loved ones.

Regardless if it's a natural or artificial disaster, you must do everything possible to procure, treat and use water as efficiently as possible

The idea of gardening as a means of extending our food stockpile and have enough food to eat during a long-term survival situation has

Fortunately, most of the survival skills needed to survive a worst-case scenario can be practiced right in your backyard. Let's look at how