HomeGENERAL PREPSurvival Skills (Page 17)

Survival Skills

We don't usually talk about it in the prepper community, but having enough water in any survival situation starts with making sure that we're

I hope that this article gives you some ideas for what to include in your survival kits distributed throughout your gear and vehicles, boats,

While there are certain obvious things one needs to carry into the wilderness to subsist with what Mother Nature offers, knowledge still remains your

Animals come in all "bites" and sizes, and even the friendly neighbor's dog can harm you if provoked or if it feels under the

You don't have to have a ton of money to outlast catastrophe. But please create a low-cost and effective survival shelter.

The concept of supersoldiers isn't so far-fetched. This is something that military organizations around the world would like to make real.

Survival bows are easy to transport, have a wide variety of use, are cheap, and an excellent choice for hunting deer, coyote, mule, and

Surviving a gunshot wound or other severe trauma often depends on how quickly care is received and its quality.

Pay attention to the details, do all the paperwork necessary, decide how much you need, prepare your medical kit and finally, prepare your mind

If you live in an environment/region that is prone to wildfires, you should plan to protect your home from fires as best as you

The truth is that we don't know what sorts of problems we're going to encounter when we go out our front door.Being prepared could

Some of the best shooters I have met over the years were leg amputees, paraplegics, or individuals using wheelchairs or walking aids.

While we may be able to survive a few months or even a few years by ourselves, for society to continue, we need to

Do you wish you had a little extra money coming in to help fund your prepping? To help you think of possibilities, here are

If you are or will be in a moving process, in this article I will give you are some pointers on how to stay