HomeGENERAL PREPSurvival Skills (Page 18)

Survival Skills

When it comes to your survival, porcupines will provide a good amount of meat, and they will keep you, and yours fed when the

Some of the best shooters I have met over the years were leg amputees, paraplegics, or individuals using wheelchairs or walking aids.

Survival is also going to require us to push harder and longer than we're used to. The physical strain of survival is likely to

Procuring food in the wilderness will always pose a problem for the inexperienced gatherer or hunter, and it may take quite a few tries

Make yourself a plan and stick with it as much as possible so that your family's survival shelter will meet your needs without becoming

The perfect hideout won't look the same for everyone, but they'll have the same purpose. Your primary goal is to keep you and your

The arctic blast that blanketed the United States has hit Texas particularly hard. Being a warm state, Texas doesn't see much cold weather.

There are many different answers to survival questions, but having a bag packed and ready if staying home isn't an option is an excellent

Do the best you can to make your shelters, storage areas, and common buildings like a bank vault, defeating them before they even try.

Are you struggling to control your apocalyptic anxiety and the panic attacks that come with it? Here are our top tips for addressing your

There's a greater need for apartment dwellers to prepare. They don't have the resource advantage that someone living in suburbia has.

Access to a stocked survival shelter means the difference between life and death in an emergency. Unfortunately, your safe spot is only as good

Make sure the fire is out cold. Whenever I extinguish a campfire, I touch the ashes to make sure that they are cold. This

As preppers, it’s important that we are constantly on the lookout for what’s happening in the world and aware of how those things can

I actually think that 2021 is going to be a light year for natural disasters. While I’m sure we will have some, I don’t