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Survival Skills

I’ve been a prepper for almost 12 years now, and I often think about my life before I started this journey. I used to

Most instructors recommend preparing for rescue over attempting self-recovery and they do so with the zeal of a fundamentalist.

I like to spend a lot of time in the great outdoors, and over the last decade, I’ve noticed that more and more campers

Winter means the holiday season is coming, but it also includes frigid temperatures and an increased risk of getting sick. Staying warm is essential

Outdoor skills are often overlooked in our modern society, but they are extremely important for survival and well-being. These basic abilities, such as finding

My grandfather was a role model to me in many ways, but especially in self-reliance and emergency preparedness. He was born and raised on

The general consensus in the survival community today, is that we should bug in, rather than bug out, if at all possible. There’s a

Technology has made life easier but has caused many to become complacent in their survival skills. Preppers use these necessary skill sets daily to

Law enforcement officers and emergency service providers are intimately familiar with the enigmatic force known as adrenaline. It floods their lives to a significant

Being prepared requires more than just acquiring survival gear and supplies. Having your equipment and stockpile squared away should be a natural byproduct of

After succumbing to the allure of solo camping and hiking, I discovered that if your hiking companions are unable to meet the challenges you

Whether you’ve been a prepper for years or you’re just getting into it, you likely spend a lot of time outdoors, enjoying everything nature

The push for renewable electricity is taking us on some crazy turns. One of those has been the wildfires in California. Money that should

I firmly believe that when facing a SHTF event, the cataclysmic incident may not pose the biggest threat but rather the behavior of the

Back in 1972, the science fiction author, Isaac Asimov, wrote what has come to be known as “the Three Laws of Robotics.” It was