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Survival Skills

The versatility of aluminum foil makes it an ideal candidate for your bag, and you should really consider buying a roll or two for

Our generation and the upcoming ones are getting more and more engulfed by technology, forgetting that some time ago, people were counting on their

Should things turn out differently than I’m saying, I still have my long-term stockpile to fall back on. I don’t expect to need it,

If you want to survive in the wild with nothing, this is what you need to know. Information such as this can be of

The aftermath of a disaster is very specific to the location, type of event, and level of preparedness, but there are a few general

Going off-grid means living more sustainably, and helps protect your family and your home from disasters like power failures and other natural disasters.

Survival priorities are a problem that survivors face any time they build a kit, plan or gather supplies and there are many mnemonics out

Surviving tiny house living (not to mention, the Apocalypse!) is a matter of being ready. Stocking up on these items can help make your

We compiled a list of winter survival tips to lift your spirits and help you live life to the fullest until tulips and hyacinths

Pack all the essential items because anything could go wrong. Bring a pocket knife, GPS, blanket, map, compass, first aid kit, and enough water

For the last several years, I’ve developed the habit of looking forward to the New Year, with the idea of recognizing the potential problems

While some people have survived a tornado by jumping in a ravine, others weren't as fortunate. If you abandon your vehicle, get as far

The information provided in this following article is an excellent starting point for every prepper that needs to find his way into emergency preparedness.

There are always things that come along, which require changes to the best of plans. But having a plan helps you decide what things

People that start to prepare know there are dozens of things they need to buy and that they should do it ASAP to make