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Survival Skills

It is easier to survive in a group than trying to survive alone. We humans are social animals and we need others around us

If you use the term “prepper” most listeners will immediately think of the “Doomsday Preppers” TV show on National Geographic…

As we have seen more often in the past 20 years, a city or a regional blackout is no longer a matter of if,

The harsh reality is that living totally off-grid, over 100 miles away from civilization is an extremely hard life; one that few of us

You have probably heard someone saying, “Prepping is a lifestyle” sometime or another, but I wonder how many of us actually live it out

Our electrical grid is Achilles Heel and there's an avalanche of evidence that our electrical network is more vulnerable than commercial jets before 9/11.

Being prepared for anything takes away the fear and you can face tomorrow knowing that you are ready. Your family will be protected and

Let me do you a favor and share this life-saving knowledge Claude Davis passed on to me as it’s funny how after 15 years

Being prepared is the best thing you can do for your family. You need to always be alert and aware of your environment and

When Survivopedia readers were asked what the greatest threat was in their neighborhoods, the number one answer was… gangs! I can’t say I’m surprised

The survival needs we encounter on a day-to-day basis are considerably different than "The End Of The World As We Know It" events we

The Lost Ways is a book with chapters ranging from making tasty bark-bread-like people did when there was no food-to building a backyard smokehouse.

I have the utmost respect for anyone who struggles to survive out there in the “wilderness of the urban jungle” each and every day,

Modern society, our infrastructure and our conveniences make it possible to forget the challenges of survival; but that doesn’t change the reality we live

Some of you probably thought I’d start with equipment, didn’t you? I won’t preach to you about how training trumps gear… because that’s not