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Survival Skills

Want extra cash, to build a hobby, and develop your prepping skills – all at your own pace? Start a repair business? Here is

If you intend to succeed at moving off grid, there are 10 mistakes you must avoid at all cost. Here they are!

Don’t find reasons why you can’t become self-sufficient; find ways that you can, then start small. That's what this book is all about.

Every accident is different, but there are basic tips to follow to reduce the damage and stay alive. Here they are!

Duct tape is that kind of a "jack of all trades" piece of survival gear that can be found in any respectable prepper's paraphernalia.

One common mistake of survival is the incapability of building a shelter. Here is how to build one from readily available materials.

Teaching kids to prepare for disaster involves tactic and patience. Here’s how to transform all this prepping lessons into funny activities.

In a life or death situation with just a few seconds remaining, some strategies will work better than others. Can playing dead save you?

If you know how to build and use a forge, you'll have a valuable skill to barter, but also a good start for a

Why to attend PrepperCon 2017? Because you have a rare opportunity to meet our expert Cache Valley Prepper and get your EMP survival question

Amber Van Hecke, 24, stranded near the Grand Canyon for 5 days, survived because she was prepared. Here’s what to learn from her story.

In a world where GPS systems and cell phone trackers make it easier to navigate, people tend to forget how useful maps are. Here

If the Maya could make perfectly good rubber centuries ago, then it may also be possible for preppers to do the same!

Whether you’re preparing for a disaster, or you just want to be self-reliant, you don’t need to spend a fortune to start homesteading.

New to prepping and wondering what does one have to do in order to truly be prepared? Here are the answers to your questions!