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Survival Skills

Can you homestead and still go unnoticed? How can you do it and still stay safe? You will find the answers in this post.

You can bring light and heat in darker times with these creative emergency candles you can make from 12 household items.

Get your tools, practice your skills! We found 10 ways woodworking can help you earn money and save resources that otherwise would go to

Remember that frogs are a delicacy when you survive in the wild, and the idea of hunting gives you chills. Here's what you need

Keep your kids entertained if you are stranded in a small space in a survival situation, with these fun and creative activities.

It's amazing to see how coordinated animals are when they climb. Some of their techniques are remarkable to watch and study for survival.

As preppers, not a day goes by without learning something new, isn’t it? Read this article to discover the ultimate survival ideas published these

When it comes to surviving, there are a lot of myths that can make it harder for you to survive when SHTF. We have

Here is a guide meant to increase your chances of getting home quickly, easily and safely in case you get lost in the mountains.

The best way to survive every situation is to stay informed and learn as many skills as possible. It’s never too late to start

Concrete is a homesteader's best friend and the ideal choice for building lots of stuff. Here are a few DIY projects to try on!

Making pottery is an old skill. The final step is firing your clay so that it’s durable and, in the case of stoneware, usable

While the weather’s still nice, there are plenty of survival projects that you can work on. Just click on the links in the article

Now that you’ve made your pottery wheel, it’s time to try it out.
Don’t worry though; it won’t take you long.

No matter whether you dig around in a junk pile or turn up glass bottles while plowing a field, these bottles can still be