HomeGENERAL PREPSurvival Skills (Page 34)

Survival Skills

No matter whether you store away regular daily newspapers, sales flyers, or even magazines, all of them can be converted into valuable survival aides.

Did you know the plastic bottle are some of the most versatile things you can have for managing all kinds of prepping needs? Here's

The benefit of using a potter’s wheel is that you can create more refined, beautiful, functional pieces that you can use for yourself or

As with many other forms of packaging that we “throw away” in our society, plastic bags have many purposes that make them very useful.

Extracting clay from soil takes a bit of time but it’s possible just about anywhere. Then you can use it for pottery, cobs or

Do you think of egg crates as useless junk?
Think twice! They should definitely be part of your stockpile.

In a real survival situation there’s not much you can use for help. If I were to quiz you about what to have close

Survival skills come from practicing for years, but age and practice means nothing unless you have a good survival plan, then you have the power to

While we may not know how structures like Stonehenge were built, there are still a number of simple devices that can make life as

Let's talk about how to make and use your very own manure tea to get the best out of your crops. Your garden will

Disaster situations are undoubtfully more manageable when one has a trained mind and a trained body for that specific circumstance.

When you throw away pill bottles, you are throwing away one of the most valuable prepping materials in your home.

You have light bulbs in your stockpile, or still use them around the house. Here are easy ways to repurpose them and advance your

You can make them in any size that you need, and clay pots are used for everything, and many prepper projects can be based

When all you have is are a few tin cans and other used materials, knowing how to turn crap into something useful is one