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Survival Skills

You may enjoy feeding them by hand, but this projects will free up some time in case you’re too busy to throw scratch every

If you’re interested in learning the skills of bushcraft, you’ll need a basic bushcraft kit that goes wherever you go. The knife is a

Sailors must face all kinds of dangers so they developed all sorts of survival skills, and I bet we can learn a thing or

The tools you have on hand may well need to last for decades. That's why when choosing tools for your homestead, keep the following

I am convinced that when technology will fail us, and it will, just give it time, going back to the roots will be the

An unsure hand and a moment of hesitation can take you from the shooter position to the target one in a second.

Here are 5 tips we stumbled upon this week that will help stay safe in a lot of SHTF situations.

The cowboys who settled in the West were not good, nor bad. They were survivors. We can all take advantage of their wisdom and

We’re dedicating this prep blog review to making sure you never run out on ideas on how to improve your homesteading skills.

I’ve been looking for something like this for years, so, I wanted to thank Claude for making this lost knowledge available to every prepper.

This year we’r putting together another list of articles that will help you go further with your prepping.

Maybe you got a last minute invitation or you forgot to buy something for someone from your extended family. It’s OK, this list will

If you think about it, Santa has outdone all of us, especially when it comes to longevity. If there was ever someone to emulate,

We preppers know how important our skills are. And you can never know too much of anything, right?