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Survival Skills

How much are your skills worth after disaster? Basically, we're talking about the law of supply and demand here.

Think twice if you wait for the end of the world to make use of your survival skills. You'll need them sooner than you

Surviving combat doesn't necessarily mean one is ready to take on the next disaster, especially if they don't have the supplies stockpiled.

What are you going to do if someday you lose your home in a large-scale disaster of some sort and you have to build

Now we have scales that can measure to the zillionth of an ounce, but what happens if SHTF and we don’t have batteries or

There’s a lot of things you’ll have to provide for yourself and your family, and it’s never too late to start working on your

What would be the odds to get lost in the wilderness? What if your car gets broken or your plane crushes in the middle

Today we gathered some interesting articles on some essential skills, some vital and some not, but all really important for your survival!

If you’re camping and lose your way or if your car breaks down miles away from civilization, you’ll need to know these hacks to

Take a look at these 12 projects: you will surely find something that you need for you next survival adventure, or just for improving

Knowing how to build a shelter for you and your family using readily available materials can actually save your life. Here's what you need

Being able to start a fire in case of an emergency could save your skin from cold and your stomach from hunger. Let's see

This fan based air conditioner and dehumidifier can help lower temperatures using far less power than expected.

Some of these hacks will help you solve problems that you’ll encounter and some help you to be more efficient.

Most DIY projects are really fun, but the ones we like most here are those that will come in handy when SHTF.