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Survival Skills

For many folks out there, bugging-out means leaving the comfort of their urban homes and heading into the surrounding woods. These journeys can often

I don’t know about you; but references are important to me. Even though I write, talk, and experiment about survival full-time, I can’t remember

With winter upon us, any power outage means we’re without heat. Depending on where you are and just how cold it is, it can

Most of what I see about wilderness survival seems to be written as if all survival situations happen in the summertime, with good weather.

Some of us are fortunate enough to have made preparations for various disasters, and we can get our families along with our bug-out gear

In a survival situation, regardless of its magnitude, duration or outcome, hygiene will still be an important part of your preparations. If you don't

Anyone who lives in an area where snowstorms are common knows just how dangerous they can be. Even worse, just how dangerous it can

In this video, Tyler will show us how to make char cloth from a piece of old cloth he found abandoned in the wild

Making camp or camping in various natural environments is usually done to enjoy time away from our hectic lives. This is the main reason

The roof is on and the job is done! In this video, we come back to Jason for the final part of his DIY

In an outdoor survival situation, one of the most important things you need to know in order to escape is obviously to know where

Knowledge is power and knowing what to do in order to get the most out of the wood that we find in the forest

While modern day survival can be all high-tech gadgets and cutting edge hardware for the issues you may have, Jason's here to make a

In this video, Jason's out and about and talks a bit about plants that look alike but with wildly different effects on you if

Quit looking at the grass as a problem and start looking at it as a resource. Granted, grass isn’t much of a resource, but