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Survival Skills

Learn the basics of physics! They will help you generate power and maintain communications to survive off-grid.

It’s a great time to go hiking and camping again. It’s also the perfect time for bugs to start looking for prey and for

Expos such as PrepperCon 2015 have a lot to offer to regular folks. For the average prepper, going to this expo may make the

During your escape from a riot situation or some other form of social collapse, you will find that washing clothes will be far more

The hard part for a new prepper is telling the difference between the hype and the good, solid information. How do you know which

You must be aware of the fact that knowing how to cross a river is an essential skill to master. It’s actually a critical

These skills will help you survive in crowded cities. And remember: prepping is not about the destination, it’s about the journey.

What would happen if a disaster were to happen while your child was away from home? Would he be able to find you and

Take heed to these stories, because these people have something that many of us don’t – they’ve been there and lived to tell about

If there’s one thing that we learn as we start down the path of independence, it’s that we pay WAY too much for everything.

When you think of a set of skills you should definitely have by the time SHTF, what do you think the essentials are?

Single parents tend to be self-reliant and crafty with their time and resources. There are many survival lessons that you can learn from a

Either if it helps us prepare for any disaster that might come upon us, or survive when SHTF, it’s always a good idea to

These hacks are suggested by top names in the survival and homesteading worlds so they‘ve been tried and tested before the tutorials were even

What’s the difference between scavenging and yard-sale shopping, other than scavenging is free? Let’s talk about it!