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Survival Skills

Living without power, mini-marts, cars, electronics or running water may seem like a nightmare but to pioneers it was just the way life was.

The closest thing that we have to prep for is autumn, so here's something that will get you in the mood for some seasonal

Why freeze or starve to death when one easy way to make fuel for your fire can be achieved by even a beginner prepper?

Whether you want to cook outdoors, or you find yourself in desperate need of water or shelter, there’s something for everyone.

When it comes to surviving a crisis, certain skills will make it possible to make the perfect clothes for any situation. Learn what you

Identify your weaknesses and learn how to work around them before a major crisis occurs. Avoid 8 usual mistakes to stay safe in the

You've been spending a lot of time prepping for the biggest crisis ever but have you ever really practiced what you are preparing

A few years ago I heard a credit card ad that ended with something like, “We know 1 out of four families in America,

Even if you're separated for a few minutes or a few hours, if your kids know how to react, it can make the difference

When SHTF you've got your skills and gear to rely on

Find out how the Amish harvest power from nature, how they make the best of every available resource and much more

In a survival situation, being misled can cause a lot of problems that will make rebuilding harder. So learning about other cultures is a

Not a day goes by without news on a new attack on some other country, a new war looming or a pandemic starting to

In a time after a major crisis it is important to know how to react to wild animals. It might save your life or

Bicycles have many uses beyond simple transportation. What about harnessing pedal power to drive your off-grid devices?