HomeGENERAL PREPSurvival Skills (Page 43)

Survival Skills

There is no better time for testing your projects and skills than summer. There are so many interesting ideas to test

When you remove the human factor, you’ll see that animals are the epitome of the survival model

How do you guard your inner self during an extremely ordeal - one which could cause the average human to give up or lose

The Swiss army knife has achieved an iconic status and nowadays we can safely argue that it's a must-have item in any respectable survival

You can learn lots of tips if you're following the prepper's community, but keep yourself educated and do your own research every time. Don’t

Get your pride back, America: it’s in there, so dig deep and get back on track!
Make every day Independence Day!

When you don’t have to depend on anyone but yourself for survival you are one step ahead of the panicked herds who will loot

Don’t try to go off-grid without making your home more efficient!
Here is what it takes to plan and prepare for it!

Learning how to make methanol safely and efficiently is going to be very important for survival after social collapse. Find out why!

You might be prepped for any SHTF situation, but how about your pet? Find out how to make sure they'll make it in a

Urban survival has its own specific challenges, from dealing with small spaces or job loss to bigger challenges in post SHTF scenarios.

Build a stockpile big enough to get you through SHTF situation even if you're a single parent and struggling just to put food on

In the aftermath of a major crisis starvation will be a huge issue.
How will you deal with it?

Living as part of the land and surviving with stealth kept Native Americans alive and thriving.
Find out how they did it!

Food is on top 3 priorities if SHTF. For that reason looking for edible plants in the woods is one skill to learn for