HomeGENERAL PREPSurvival Skills (Page 45)

Survival Skills

Humans have been eating insects for millions of years.
So, what wouldn’t you count on bugs for off-grid survival?

Looters are just one more thing to worry about when SHTF, and not only. Here are a few tricks that will put them on

Learn how to refurbish now instead of replacing! When every drop of water and ounce of food counts, nothing can be considered waste.

The best thing about cold weapons is that they don't require much to keep them running. But some maintenance is needed.

Learning how to use paper maps and a compass can make an enormous difference, and should be a part of every survival plan.

Daily crises often give us headaches. Things go worse when a real catastrophe strikes. How would you keep your mind clear?

Knowing how to hunt using what nature provides abundantly may save your life one day. It's a matter of when, not if, so be

Teaching kids about survival is a tough thing to do, but it’s imperative that they know what to do and to understand WHY, not

Dressing game is not the most pleasurable thing to do, but knowing how to hunt and how to dress small/big game might really save

Being a prepper might be tough sometimes, but it's definitely the best option to consider for your survival.

Disasters are mostly unpredictable.
But here is a lot that can be done to help get you prepared for the inevitable, producing your

Granted hunting and gathering food are often the most difficult aspects of a survival scenario in any time of year, but sustaining your caloric

Getting older makes everything a little more difficult even if the weather is great and time are good. If the winters get wicked where

In today’s times, alcohol is more than just a thirst quencher, religious symbol, or bartering agent.
We now use alcohol as

In a SHTF scenario, your horse can be an invaluable survival tool. He can carry you to safety, haul your provisions, drag logs or