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Survival Skills

Whether they look like they came out of the movies First Blood and The Hunted, or more like something you may have seen in a museum used

In the beginning, there was nothing. Then one day, a hungry caveman spied a potential food source. It wouldn't sit still long enough to

Summer is the perfect excuse to spend time in the sun and enjoy the warm weather before things get cold again. Unfortunately, temperatures are

We’re all aware of the high inflation going on, as prices for everything we need soar, especially fuel prices. Those fuel prices are probably

The 2003 Hollywood movie The Hunted, starring Tommy Lee Jones and Benicio del Toro, gave us a brief look into tracking as the hero tracks his

Once again, the country is shocked by a senseless mass shooting in one of our schools. The shooting in Uvalde, Texas, ranks as the

A ferro rod is an indispensable piece of survival equipment. Even a pocket-sized version will be a viable fire starting option for thousands of

Food costs and everything else right now is on the rise. This has led to an increasing number of people becoming interested in starting

Most experts will agree that no matter how many pieces of gear you carry or how many tiny items you can squeeze into a

In this video, Jason Salyer gives us a quick and easy rundown of how to build a pole barn to keep equipment, animals, and

In the self-defense world, your goal is to not only put rounds accurately on the target but do so while preventing getting shot

Shelter should always be a top priority, and while having the skillset to build natural shelters that can protect you from the elements is

Hunting is an important skill for preppers to ensure subsistence when the supply chain breaks. Being a crucial skill to one’s survival, it makes

This week Tyler has another useful desert plant for us. In this video, he shows what the Brigham plant is and, more importantly,

Not that long ago only, unless you had a huge blade on your hip you weren't a "true" survivalist.