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Survival Skills

Animals are the best example of living by no rules, only surviving. Human nature is a close second. However, even animals act irrationally when

These days, I’ve heard a lot of friends complaining about not having enough time to prepare or test their survival skills. They say there’s

Some plants are legendary to survivalists for their ability to provide food, materials, or other things in the wild. In this video, Tyler White

In today’s survival movies and TV shows, you often see how the protagonist is foraging wild edibles in the wilderness just so he or

Before the invention of nails, screws, and other fasteners, the world was literally tied together with cordage. It should be at the top of

     The woodcraft way is not defined by a list of hard and fast rules but more by a set of woods-worthy

other dire predictions. Whether they were about the second coming of Christ, the Illuminati taking over the world, or all our computers ceasing to

Physical and mental preparedness are both equally important. If you have the knowledge but can't execute the skill, you won't go far. The same

Jason has years of experience as a professional strength and conditioning coach, working with everyone from college athletes to Naval Special Operations. He's also

We’ve all heard about a get home bag (GHB), so I’m not going to belabor the point, but it needs to be mentioned. My

Planning for an overseas trip can be hectic and downright scary enough for most people to never get past the vivid pages of a

Signaling is one of the most important categories of survival equipment. While food, water, and shelter are important, getting out is the ultimate goal

While you probably already know the value of a shelter and may know how to build one, it’s easy to overlook what you

When camping or hiking in bear country, always be prepared for a potential encounter, remember, bears are large and powerful animals that can inflict

If you have access to waterways or if you can reach such fluid highways in a decent amount of time, I recommend considering a