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Alternative Medicine

The variability in results when administering vitamin C was definitely a deal-breaker for researchers who later attempted to validate Linus Pauling’s work.

The costs of heart disease are staggering. When you count in health care services, medicine, and lost productivity the cost comes to about $200

If you have arthritis, your lifestyle will be impacted. It’s not the end of the world though. You can try to learn strategies that

According to the Harvard Special Health Report, 4 in 5 Americans deal with back pain at some point in their lives, with both men

While many doctors claim QiGong and Yumeiho other treatments are nonsense, people in pain are increasingly ignoring the doctors and researching on their own.

One important fact research has revealed is that curcumin is poorly absorbed by the human body, whether it’s taken alone or as part of

Diabetes has become a prevalent disease, but with some education and knowledge you can learn to avoid it, or if you do get it,

You'll find the 5 blood pressure categories and their corresponding levels, established by the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association.

While mental focus cannot compensate for agility and strength lost because of back pain, it can help you do the exercises that will assist

Moderate consumption of wine can provide health benefits spanning the gamut from cardiovascular and cancer risks prevention to skin improvement.

A good breathing pattern during exercise, especially during activities like swimming or jogging, is essential in making sure your muscles receive enough oxygen.

Individual sleep needs vary from person to person. What is important is to remember that quality of sleep is as important as quantity. Better

If you have back pain for some reason, there is going to come a time when you will have to work the muscles in

CBD has been around the corners of alternative medicine for some years now and is accepted by several states as an alternative that can

While you think that you are matching what you saw, your body may be doing something else entirely. No matter whether you are jogging