When it comes to your medical preparation for a post-disaster scenario, heal-anything natural remedies are the safest way to go.
Knowing how to make a natural pain reliever in a survival situation can be a life-saver. Here is how to make your own aspirin.
Old timers used castor oil for everything from colds to parasitical worms. Here are 11 reasons to stockpile this multipurpose item.
The challenge nowadays is to stay healthy in a toxic environment. These tips will help you keep health a priority for your SHTF plan.
Instead of taking cold medicine, try these 3 revived ancient remedies and you’ll feel alive again.
Regardless of the reason for your stuffy nose, there are many home remedies to try right now to breathe better and feel better.
What will you do when there are no bandages, no medications, and no way to get help? Nature will be by your side to
How is it that we all feel 20 in our minds, yet are betrayed by wrinkles on the face in the mirror? Looking young
Tooth and gum issues can quickly turn into much bigger issues, and even on their own are miserable problems to deal with. Gingivitis is
Many people today feel it is best to go back to the diet our ancestors consumed. Here are five basic Paleo recipes to keep
Hepatitis means “inflammation of the liver”, a condition that can be fatal, if you don’t have access to medications. Read on for helpful natural
Originally chloroform was used as an anesthetic to knock people out for surgery. Now you can make it at home. Train your medical skills
If SHTF, access to antibiotics may become limited or impossible. If that happens, it’s important to know how to make antibiotics at home.
Why put our money into Big Pharma's pockets when we can rely on natural remedies that, that have no side effects at all?
Medications, especially prescription pain killers, will be more valuable than gold, that is if you ever even see them again. Be prepared to replace