HomeHEALTH (Page 12)


Aloe Vera is incredibly tolerable, so breathe easy. While it prefers lots of sunshine, it will still tolerate low light and thrives best with

Blood coming from a wound is never a good thing.  While it does not matter what caused the puncture in the first place, what

Gunshot wounds can be difficult to treat at all stages of the process.  It is best to take first aid courses and make sure

Activated charcoal provides a wide range of uses beyond the one that many people might already know. And its true value lies in the

Everyone gets sick occasionally. And sickness won’t stop when the SHTF. In fact, with limited access to medical care and medicine, illness can spread

In today’s blog, we will discuss ​holistic healing and oils - ​their many uses, do’s and don’ts, and best practices. While many retail stores

Whether you are out in wilds while bugging out or simply at home looking to refine and improve your survival skills, one of the

There are several different methods of getting the most out of your herbs, and most of the time, it depends on what you’re using

Without a doubt, having a vet tend to wounds or medical emergencies is the way to go when your animal is sick or injured.

Fires in California make people think about air quality and what to do about it in an emergency situation. Some of these people don’t

Have you ever thought about what could happen if you or someone close to you breaks a bone and you can't get to the

I keep tampons, maxi-pads, and mini-pads in my stockpile for medical uses, so why not diapers? They’re absorbent and lightweight, and have a lot

A super deadly global pandemic is not as dramatic at first, as a sudden massive blackout, an EMP, a rapid economic collapse, or a

There are many alternatives to natural painkillers and most all of these can be grown right in our backyard. Grow them in your ornamental

If you're a senior and want to stay safe, you need to know how to stay healthy and deter those people who think you're