HomeHEALTH (Page 13)


Everybody should have a medical supply kit,  and there are few extra items that seniors may want to throw in along with the bare-bones

Modern science claims that it is our immune systems at fault for allergies, but look at this situation from the other way around. Our

Way too many people have their retirement plans destroyed by illnesses of one sort or another. Here's what you can do to prevent this

You just can't skip these natural cures from your prepping, as they are so much more powerful than anything that Big Pharma would promote.

You don't believe you may wind up homeless and disabled so you still need to know how to stay warm when you have no

You need to stay clean in the wild even if you're out of our concrete-made world. It’s all about health and less about the

Using medicinal plants for healing purposes is as old as mankind itself. Why not return to our roots?

There are truly effective natural remedies for sleep disorders, so you don’t have to depend on manmade sleep aides.

Your body is an investment and you only get one. Take care of if if you want to rely on it and be able

There are times when you don't finish up a bottle of medicine, but still keep it for uncertain times. Do you know how to

Without the proper medical supplies, wounds and diseases that are normally not considered life threatening, can become the real threat.

Like many herbs, marijuana has been used as an alternative treatment for many diseases for centuries. This is a huge topic so let’s find

Getting wounded when you have no access to medical care can turn ugly quickly. Here is how to clean a wound in a survival

Let's see how big pharma is reaching into your wallet and reducing your chances of enjoying good health through your doctor.

Native Americans have thousands of years of history of using herbs to heal their bodies and mind. Discover their natural healing secrets!