HomeHEALTH (Page 14)


When it comes to your medical preparation for a post-disaster scenario, heal-anything natural remedies are the safest way to go.

When it comes to off-grid survival, personal hygiene is a true challenge, unless you learn how to build your own DIY hot tub.

Ugh! You open the door to your pantry and your nose is assaulted with a nasty odor? Here are 7 DIY solutions to get

Keeping your body clean is vital for keeping your overall health good. So here is how to make your own soap on a rope

Knowing how to make a natural pain reliever in a survival situation can be a life-saver. Here is how to make your own aspirin.

You can provide adequate first aid and take care of yourself even in freezing weather. Follow these steps and meet the challenges.

Old timers used castor oil for everything from colds to parasitical worms. Here are 11 reasons to stockpile this multipurpose item.

The medicinal properties and ease of growth make ginger a plant that you should definitely have in your survival garden!

The challenge nowadays is to stay healthy in a toxic environment. These tips will help you keep health a priority for your SHTF plan.

Instead of taking cold medicine, try these 3 revived ancient remedies and you’ll feel alive again.

Regardless of the reason for your stuffy nose, there are many home remedies to try right now to breathe better and feel better.

Ready or not, the cold and flu season is here and I’ve gathered a handful of useful tips to help you feel better along

Bleach is an important item to your stockpile. Here are 5 things to know about bleach survival storage, uses and alternatives.

It’s bad enough that we have to worry about other countries using chemical warfare on us; we’re already getting slowly poisoned just by breathing!

The immune system is your body’s first line of defence. Let’s see how you can help and boost your immune system before winter.