HomeHEALTH (Page 16)


Why put our money into Big Pharma's pockets when we can rely on natural remedies that, that have no side effects at all?

Unless you actually rely on medical devices, you might not realize how important for your survival some of them are. Until you need them

There are reasons for adding an oxygen concentrator to your stockpile and keeping basic information about them in mind.

Medications, especially prescription pain killers, will be more valuable than gold, that is if you ever even see them again. Be prepared to replace

This virus is prevalent throughout Central and South America and according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is spreading explosively. And we have it

Did you know that a significant part of the deaths were caused by heart attacks linked to shoveling snow? The stress of activity and

If a human suffers from a physical or mental ailment, there is an herbal remedy to cure it. But fake herbs are just about

After the disaster, trauma will account for 70-80% in the acute phase. How many of these trauma could you handle by yourself if there

You'll be surprised to learn how many of diet pills can cause side effects that cause long term damage to major body organs.

When confronted with a survival situation when SHTF, what's the best thing you can do? Just look back into our history.

The very harsh Siberian climate requires extraordinary efforts from its inhabitants to stay in shape. Here are some of their survival recipes and remedies.

You may not even realize it, but chances are good that you eat at least one thing that’s terrible for your heart on a

You should have at least a month’s medical supply. What if you don’t have access to what you need, though? Find out how to

So whatever your survival plan might be, keep in mind to make health a part of it. And here are 5 tips that will

We know that prepping under these circumstances can sometimes be down right frustrating, so we gathered 5 articles that deal with these kind