HomeHEALTH (Page 18)


There are plenty of natural ways to relieve pain without destroying your vital organs and risking an early death. Let's see which of them

We need to control our healthcare costs. We can't count on going to the doctor for anything, we need to be able to take

Do you know the proper treatments for winter injuries so that if you’re caught with no access to medical treatment, you’d know what to

Regardless of how Obama and the mainstream media are directing our attention, we need to keep an eye on everything that is going on

As for the United States, even if there is no shortage yet, alarmism encourages, as in any crisis situation, the supply of products whose

What you eat truly does affect your health but some items have a curative effect that you may find instantly helpful.

When it comes to medical supplies, there are many items that you have around the house that are superstar substitutions for the “real thing”.

The information that we’ve gathered is meant to inspire you to learn more about alternative treatments because some day, that may be all that

The Native Americans had the whole healing thing down; they knew what herbs, roots or plants to use for whatever ailed you

If you’re a pet owner (or even if you’re not, but love animals), pet first aid will be a valuable skill to have when

Is there any special treatment that you should apply in order to prolong its life? And are the septic bacteria a part of this

Many of us prepper know that all the plans, strategies and struggles are to keep us, but more importantly our family safe!

Ebola is transmitted through contact with microscopic amounts of perspiration … such as the doctor who went bowling at two bowling alleys

If you're reading this, you likely feel the same way I do

Building your own outhouse is a cool DIY project with lots of benefits, one of which is that you’ll already have a waste disposal