HomeHEALTH (Page 19)


It was bound to happen, and it has; like Columbus, Ebola has made it across the Atlantic Ocean and discovered the New World!

This week we saw our worst fears come true, with the first Ebola case that hit U.S. And what makes things worst is that

As much as we wished we didn’t have to say this, it seems the Ebola outbreak is far from ending and it’s actually only

Is the president writing off the lives of those servicemen and women, to look good or is he being a visionary?

It’s not rocket since that when SHTF your health situation will make the difference between life and death

With a 55-60% death rate and out of control in the epidemic areas, you would think that Ebola would be an excellent choice as

Right now, we can still rely on modern technology to do all the work for us. But what will happen if SHTF and the

Things are getting way out of hand: officials from the WHO claim that Ebola is spreading faster than they can keep up with.

When SHTF, it won’t be long before modern medicines are gone, so you need a back-up plan

It is one of the fastest killers out there, with one of the highest mortality rates and it made its way into US. Is

With Ebola out of control and finding its way to other continents, your health and information are the best assets you have to stay

Managing waste after SHTF can make a difference between life and a very painful death. Read on the do's and dont's of off-grid waste

First aid isn't anymore about knowing your ABC's

With almost 20 million people suffering from asthma in US, are you one of them? If you are, here's how to plan your survival

Your health condition will make the difference between surviving or… well, not in the aftermath of a disaster.