HomeHEALTH (Page 20)


You put money aside to build up your survival supplies, and you have to protect them. Beware of these pests that lurk around!

Any animal can pose the threat of a bite, especially in a survival situation, and humans are no exception

One of the biggest causes of death in a post-SHTF situation is going to be disease and pestilence and biting insects will be one

When SHTF, you have absolutely no way of knowing when you will get another chance to stock up on supplies. What if you ran

Not having enough meds is perhaps the biggest health issue known to chronic patients who are preparing for long-term survival after a catastrophic event.

Obamacare has become one of the defining political travesties of our time. It's one more government database that it would be a good idea

Women will possibly face unique dangers in a post-SHTF world, and have a few personal concerns that we’ll need to consider.

If a disaster happens, a diabetic is more vulnerable than the average person. He must take special precautions to ensure that he will handle

In addition to staying warm, there are a number of other concerns including colds and the flu that you need to consider if a

Diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, heart disease, and even many cancers can be avoided by eating properly.
Enter the Paleo

When SHTF, it is absolutely vital to have proper medication, considering that access to regular medicine is not always available. Even when you do

Whether you’re trying to protect your food sources in a survival situation or just trying to avoid expensive veterinary bills, protecting your farm animals

Today, we’re going to talk about some natural alternatives for common meds that you can use in a post-SHTF survival situation. Just remember that

Dealing with a home birth under SHTF circumstances is bad enough, but it can get worse: the baby can arrive prematurely.

Way before the invention of Advil and Percocet, there were many different natural anesthetics used to dull or block pain.
But just