HomeHEALTH (Page 21)


In any SHTF scenario, one of the first priorities is providing emergency care. However, a lot of this care is focused mostly on tending

If you’re planning on keeping your pets with you in a SHTF situation, it may be helpful for you to have alternative ways to

It seems like winter is coming to town on Thanksgiving. Deadly tornados raged through the Midwest, and days in Texas become colder than

It's been known since ancient times that vegetables and herbs are crucial in maintaining health and improving your well being. But some of those

Without a doubt, sanitation and the disposal of various wastes and garbage materials will be of critical importance in any post-SHTF situation. Where waste

From pharmaceutical medicine to vitamins, antiseptics and additional herbal medicines, there are a number of important medical supplies that you can and should stock

Herbalism, found and practiced throughout virtually every region and people of the world, has been practiced with quite some success for thousands of years.

In a world rife with ready access to affordable medicines and professional medical care, many people worry about how to handle their medical needs

Living life off the grid comes with all kinds of challenges, some you may be ready for and others that never occurred to you

Have you ever read the labels on your household and beauty products? Even the “natural” stuff often contains a long list of ingredients that

Following an emergency or the all-out collapse of society and TEOTWAWKI, medical care and access to pharmaceuticals can become scarce or altogether nonexistent.

In emergency situations, a properly prepared first aid kit can literally mean the difference between life and death for you or your loved ones.