HomeHEALTH (Page 5)


Writing about your illness allows you to control your pain and emotions and help your doctor in your treatment.

It is critical to have a regular water intake during a heatwave, and you must figure out ways to preserve your body's water.

In the US, just like in the rest of the world, the pandemic seems to be far from over. Many issues are currently slowing

For most people, getting injured means a trip to the emergency room. Anything from a deep cut to a broken limb to a stab

Fighting a disease or outbreak during and after an SHTF event becomes an almost impossible task if you don't prepare for such a scenario.

In a survival situation, especially if you're not sheltering with friends or family members, preserving your mental health can pose a massive challenge.

I know everyone is tired of talking about COVID, but unfortunately, this disease isn’t done with us yet. This entire process has been a

Somehow, we all seem to think we’ll be able to keep our cool when everything goes to hell in a handbasket. But nothing could

Everyone should know the basic methods of providing first aid in emergencies. At the same time, the degree of civilization of a person directly

Mental health requires special attention, regardless of age. Everyone can face burnout, so it's time to realize how to get rid of this condition.

Sage is a versatile medicinal plant, and it's worth growing it in your garden. Even more, sage is a resilient plant that can be

Did you know that there are plants that have medicinal value and work wonders in healing your body?

Animals come in all "bites" and sizes, and even the friendly neighbor's dog can harm you if provoked or if it feels under the

Surviving a gunshot wound or other severe trauma often depends on how quickly care is received and its quality.

Herbal healing is getting more and more popular lately. It is uncertain if the COVID pandemic is the reason behind it or if people