HomeHEALTH (Page 7)


Besides these tips, my family also has DNA samples and fingerprints, and although this may seem an extreme measure, I have a logical approach

If there is one good thing to come out of the coronavirus pandemic, it is that we are more aware of how germs spread

Focus on your mental and physical health during these times. If you prioritize your health, you can better help others cope and keep your

If you haven’t been moving your body as regularly as you should, here are 9 ways through which you can start boosting your mental

Many people use essential oils, for several different purposes. Let’s take a look at what they are, which ones are good for beginners, and

A 2018 study at King's College London shows, for the first time ever, a critical link between synapse loss and beta-amyloid in the first

The easiest way to start a bay tree is to buy a plant. Your local garden center or herb nursery may carry a bay

CBD is one of the active compounds of a plant, it can work for common disorders, but, for the rest, we must wait for

Your local garden center may also carry holy basil plants in the spring. If you can’t find a plant locally, they can also be

If you find yourself with a headache that you just can’t shake, sometimes the best solution is to rest in a dark, quiet room

The best way to keep yourself and your family safe (both now and when the pandemic finally passes) is to keep your guard up

Obviously, if you’re packing a Go Bag, you are limited to the number of supplies you can take with you. You’ll have to narrow

Remember to just move within your range of motion. When you feel any discomfort or pain when you’re first trying to find your range,

You can make adjustments in your lifestyle to provide your mind and body with what it needs to stay calm. Here are some ways

The variability in results when administering vitamin C was definitely a deal-breaker for researchers who later attempted to validate Linus Pauling’s work.