HomeHEALTH (Page 9)


While mental focus cannot compensate for agility and strength lost because of back pain, it can help you do the exercises that will assist

There are now more than 1344 deaths recorded as of the first week of February due to the 2019 novel coronavirus, surpassing the number

Since the outbreak started, the Coronavirus 2019-nCoV has spread rapidly. What started out in one city, has now spread to 26 countries, around the

If you can’t breathe easily inside your home it will also make getting a good nights’ sleep difficult preventing you from being your best

The report of the first victim of the Chinese coronavirus, here in the United States, has sparked concern about a potential pandemic affecting us

There are no less than 4 types of fluoride present in our drinking water: calcium fluoride, sodium silico fluoride, sodium fluoride and fluosilicic acid.

Moderate consumption of wine can provide health benefits spanning the gamut from cardiovascular and cancer risks prevention to skin improvement.

A good breathing pattern during exercise, especially during activities like swimming or jogging, is essential in making sure your muscles receive enough oxygen.

As part of their emergency preparations, survivalists get their dental work caught up and prepare a dental first aid kit to help them deal

Individual sleep needs vary from person to person. What is important is to remember that quality of sleep is as important as quantity. Better

If you have back pain for some reason, there is going to come a time when you will have to work the muscles in

CBD has been around the corners of alternative medicine for some years now and is accepted by several states as an alternative that can

While you think that you are matching what you saw, your body may be doing something else entirely. No matter whether you are jogging

Over 130 people die every day after overdosing on painkillers and the most affected by the problem are white men, many of which are

Depending on the causes of your back pain, you may need to do these exercises for the rest of your life in order to