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Sanitation & Hygiene

The overall contribution of curative and adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in

Everyone gets sick occasionally. And sickness won’t stop when the SHTF. In fact, with limited access to medical care and medicine, illness can spread

There are several different methods of getting the most out of your herbs, and most of the time, it depends on what you’re using

Without a doubt, having a vet tend to wounds or medical emergencies is the way to go when your animal is sick or injured.

Fires in California make people think about air quality and what to do about it in an emergency situation. Some of these people don’t

A super deadly global pandemic is not as dramatic at first, as a sudden massive blackout, an EMP, a rapid economic collapse, or a

Everybody should have a medical supply kit,  and there are few extra items that seniors may want to throw in along with the bare-bones

You need to stay clean in the wild even if you're out of our concrete-made world. It’s all about health and less about the

When it comes to off-grid survival, personal hygiene is a true challenge, unless you learn how to build your own DIY hot tub.

Ugh! You open the door to your pantry and your nose is assaulted with a nasty odor? Here are 7 DIY solutions to get

Keeping your body clean is vital for keeping your overall health good. So here is how to make your own soap on a rope

Bleach is an important item to your stockpile. Here are 5 things to know about bleach survival storage, uses and alternatives.

It’s bad enough that we have to worry about other countries using chemical warfare on us; we’re already getting slowly poisoned just by breathing!

1 in 7 U.S. adults say they have taken steps to reduce their risk of getting Zika, according to the latest analysis from Pew

The best way to defeat bacteria naturally is to approach your battle from all sides. It sounds simple, and it generally is. Here are