There has been so much written about surviving the aftermath of a TEOTWAWKI event. This is, in part, because preparing for such an event

Back in 2017, Hurricane Harvey stalled over Southeast Houston, causing widespread flooding. At the time, I lived a few hundred miles away, well outside

With wintertime fully upon us, I’m sure that we’re all content in the knowledge that we’re ready, just in case another Winter Storm Uri

There’s a bit of a tendency in the prepping and survival community to think big, when we think of survival. We’d much rather talk

Earthship shelters are sustainable and resilient structures that have been gaining popularity among environmentalists and survivalists. What’s so appealing about these rudimentary shelters? What

When you spend a lot of time stocking and prepping, organization is key. But, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with clutter when you’re trying

One of the big questions in the prepping and survival community is that of building a bunker as a survival shelter. People go back

Unmanned warfare has revolutionized how the military conducts operations in hostile territories, with drones playing a vital role in scouting out locations, observing enemy

Numerous state forestry departments offer free consultations and recommendations to support landowners in enhancing their forested areas. Below are some of the suggested projects,

Evacuating a big city in the event of a natural or manmade disaster is a logistic nightmare for local authorities, and due to the

Many people today yearn to leave the hustle and bustle of the corporate world and embrace a simpler lifestyle that is closer to nature.

Perhaps the worst possible self-defense situation any of us could encounter is to wake up in the middle of the night, hearing an invader

The political left has been pushing the idea of global warming for decades now. They call it “climate change” now, because the data isn’t

After years of camping and spending as much time as possible in the outdoors, I can say that knowledge to sleep under the stars

In the last decade or so, it seems that a lot of people became aware of the need for a survival plan, and this