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Bug Out Plan

After succumbing to the allure of solo camping and hiking, I discovered that if your hiking companions are unable to meet the challenges you

A lot of people in the prepping community talk about bugging out, as if “the way” to do it is to head for the

The popular phrase "location, location, location" is often used by real estate hustlers to stress the impact that a property's location can have on

The LMTV is coming along nicely and Tyler's here with a short video to show you a quick hack he did to use his

Evacuating a big city in the event of a natural or manmade disaster is a logistic nightmare for local authorities, and due to the

There was a time when “going off the grid” sounded like a fantasy to a lot of people for a long time. However, we’re

Life would be a lot easier if emergencies appeared with more attention. There would be no need to plan in advance for them. Unfortunately,

For many folks out there, bugging-out means leaving the comfort of their urban homes and heading into the surrounding woods. These journeys can often

Many of us in the prepping movement have a dream of owning a cabin in the woods somewhere, which we can use as a

reparing for a bug out is a major part of being a prepper. Regardless of what your survival plans are, you’ve got to have

Planning, but most importantly, effective planning, is one of the basics of emergency preparedness since it will guide you through each task you need

The best place to be in an SHTF scenario is one where there’s no disaster at all. However, if a nationwide crisis does occur,

These days, I’ve heard a lot of friends complaining about not having enough time to prepare or test their survival skills. They say there’s

If you have access to waterways or if you can reach such fluid highways in a decent amount of time, I recommend considering a

With the Russian invasion of Ukraine in full swing, I can't help but fall into analysis mode, looking at the situation and thinking about