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Bug Out Plan

The Go Bag bridges the gap between the Pocket Survival Kit and a Bugout Bag and packs a reasonable about survival gear in package

This bag was built to fill the Go Bag niche and adapts to be carried any way you would like to carry it and

If you’re like most preppers, your bug out plans leave a lot to be desired. It’s not that you don’t have any plans, but

Keep in mind that you might lose all this at some point and you should keep your bug out bag packed and carry it

A backpack full of carefully selected gear can be a huge asset in a survival ordeal. There has been a huge emphasis on bugout

There are four options for what we should do when we get to our survival retreat, assuming that none of us are willing to

Always keep in mind that you're prepping for what can happen; not just for what you think is likely to happen.

You’re going to need to get out and on the road as quickly as possible. By organizing yourself and making a quick plan, you

Preppers are usually prepared for a whole host of things, including being able to live out in the open, make temporary shelter, keep warm

It will be to your advantage to have a shelter for personal and family safety. If you try to hide your activities, there is

Building techniques have developed considerably over the last couple hundred years. But in the case of a national emergency, and without access to all

Should SHTF day come, kids may very well have to depend on what you teach them now, as that knowledge may be the only

We cache to avoid a deadly ‘all your eggs in one basket’ scenario. Even though it contains dangers: like waterproofing your supplies, choosing the

Thousands of animals are sitting in rescues because their owners left them behind during disasters. These owners didn’t think ahead, but you can do

Finding a good bug out location isn’t easy, and many factors have to be considered before choosing it. More, these factors tend to change