HomePLANNING (Page 14)


The Go Bag bridges the gap between the Pocket Survival Kit and a Bugout Bag and packs a reasonable about survival gear in package

Anyone who is a prepper knows that it takes a lot of time, money and sacrifice to prepare for a disaster. It’s a choice

This bag was built to fill the Go Bag niche and adapts to be carried any way you would like to carry it and

One thing I made a habit of doing is an after-action review of any major disasters. That means whatever is reported in the news,

You never know what may happen in the workplace and it’s a far better idea to be mentally and physically prepared for whatever your

When it comes to bug out vehicles, picking the right option is not easy. Just because you have an SUV, that doesn’t make it

The American family starts the day with the routines, and then family members split as they go their separate ways, to school, work, or

You should consider your safety first. You will need to invest in some safety gear for your disaster tool kit. During a disaster, people

If you’re like most preppers, your bug out plans leave a lot to be desired. It’s not that you don’t have any plans, but

Everything we do as preppers can help us to retire comfortably. Things that we might consider doing for retirement will definitely help us to

You should definitely sleep at least 7 hours per night, as getting enough sleep is not about looking good the next day, but it

It’s clear to me that this video is nothing more than a humorous attempt to grab the nation’s attention. For that, I have to

Disasters never come announced, so it is better to be safe than sorry. Putting together your first survival kit is one of the first

A survival kit when you're going on vacation may seem a bit extreme to some; but there are a lot of situations where that

You can add gear endlessly and if it bloats your PSK to the point where it doesn’t always find its way into your pocket,