HomePLANNING (Page 16)


When traveling to high heat climates you should consider wearing clothing that is lightweight, loose-fitting, and with colors that are on the lighter side

Preppers are usually prepared for a whole host of things, including being able to live out in the open, make temporary shelter, keep warm

Early pioneer living has held a special meaning in America. From their first arrivals in the states of Virginia and Massachusetts, early pioneer American

Shelters can be built even at homes without a basement. Shelters do not need complicated air filtration systems to protect against fallout.

It will be to your advantage to have a shelter for personal and family safety. If you try to hide your activities, there is

Building techniques have developed considerably over the last couple hundred years. But in the case of a national emergency, and without access to all

Should SHTF day come, kids may very well have to depend on what you teach them now, as that knowledge may be the only

Foreseeing disasters and preparing for them is what preppers do. So we should always be looking forward, seeing the next potential disaster and trying

Fires in California make people think about air quality and what to do about it in an emergency situation. Some of these people don’t

Few wilderness survival resources are more important than trees, so making a camp in the proximity of some trees often makes a great deal

For the last year, tensions have been running high between the United States and North Korea. Increased missile testing by North Korea, with each

Having a survival shelter helps you survive, and so is ensuring that others cannot find it. These are the best 10 ways to hide

We cache to avoid a deadly ‘all your eggs in one basket’ scenario. Even though it contains dangers: like waterproofing your supplies, choosing the

Small things can generate great results: tin cans have so many uses, and they will easily turn into a basic resource for different DIY

Thousands of animals are sitting in rescues because their owners left them behind during disasters. These owners didn’t think ahead, but you can do