HomePLANNING (Page 19)


Lip balm is not just for protecting one's lips. From starting a fire, to protecting your skin, here is how you can use it

There’s a military axiom which says,“The best defense is a good offense.” I have my own version of this. It goes, “The best defense

When it comes to creating the perfect bug out vehicle, there is no question that changing wheels for tracks has some advantages.

Epsom salt is a different beast from what sits on your table, and does everything from cure constipation, to making your kitchen shine.

What does a 5-gallon bucket and survival have in common? You can build a practical, easy to carry 5-gallon bucket survival kit. Here’s how!

Finding a good bug out location isn’t easy, and many factors have to be considered before choosing it. More, these factors tend to change

If the Maya could make perfectly good rubber centuries ago, then it may also be possible for preppers to do the same!

Whether you’re preparing for a disaster, or you just want to be self-reliant, you don’t need to spend a fortune to start homesteading.

Investigate these 10 nuclear risks and be ready to deal with them long before a critical level warning is issued. Your life might depend

While all the cars are gridlocked, you can ride the berm or split the lanes on your bug out motorcycle. Here is how to

We never know what type of disaster will hit us next. Will it be an EMP, a tornado, a flood, a riot? All we

Riding safely during bad weather is a matter of wearing the proper equipment, keeping the bike in good condition and slowing down.

New to prepping and wondering what does one have to do in order to truly be prepared? Here are the answers to your questions!

A disaster disrupts lives, but it comes with valuable lessons we can all learn from. What can we learn from California’s Dam crisis?

Knowing how to use what you have on hand to make what you need is one of the hallmarks of a true prepper. So,