HomePLANNING (Page 2)


One of the subjects that seem to get overlooked in the prepping community is that of transportation. Oh, we’re great at talking about our

Living the survivalist lifestyle means that you are fully prepared for any eventuality. This means you’ve spent countless hours creating shelters, storing food, and

The majority of us preppers tend to be rather self-reliant individuals equipped with various skills and training to navigate the wilderness with confidence.

To fully enjoy a camping adventure, it’s essential to begin by thoroughly researching and familiarizing yourself with the potential hazards of camping.

Here in the prepping and survival community, we talk a lot about surviving disasters of all types. That means a lot of our discussion

As an experienced prepper, I’ve spent years honing my skills and preparing for the unexpected. My journey began with a thirst for knowledge and

There seem to be two options we talk about in the prepping and survival community: bugging in and bugging out. When we talk about

In the realm of self-defense, it’s imperative for the mind to remain alert and active, constantly seeking opportunities or strategies to navigate a potentially

The general consensus in the survival community today, is that we should bug in, rather than bug out, if at all possible. There’s a

For a question that is so fundamental to emergency preparedness, this question is not easy to answer.

The very first electric cars were built as early as the 1830s. Yes, that was 1830s, that’s not a typo. Not much happened with

Bringing a baby affects what you grab on your way out the door. What if you get separated from your baby? What should I

In an unpredictable world, there’s a quiet strategy that countless households employ, offering them a semblance of security and readiness: stockpiling. From severe weather

According to various assessments, the majority of the population remains unprepared when faced with even a minor crisis. This becomes evident whenever a natural

Defending home and family is an important part of survival strategy. We talk about hardening our homes to make them harder to break into,